Amendment: timing of AGM.


Email sent to Lawyer 27 February 2015

Hi Jonathan,

The U3A committee would like to change the date of the Annual General Meeting to March or April in every year to coincide with the Audited accounts being finalised and presented to the membership.  We believe the Constitution would have to be amended to allow for this change but are we allowed to do this under Spanish Law.   As far as the committee are concerned it would make more sense to deal with the approval by members of the account at the AGM as opposed to calling an Extraordinary General meeting as we do now.

Can you please let me have you thoughts on this.

Thanks, Carol Mantle

Reply from Jonathan Lambert

Monday 2 March, 2015


 There really is no sense in changing the statutes only to state this fact. As long as treasurer, secretary and president are ok with it just do so..
