Minutes – General Monthly Meeting – 1st April, 2019

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on

1 April 2019 at Salon G.L., Teulada at 10.30

It is confirmed that the President and the Secretary attended the meeting as voted in at the AGM 4 March 2019.

David Haxon, the President welcomed all members to the meeting, including 38 new members. He confirmed the usual checks had been made, pointed out the emergency exits and asked for all mobile phones to be switched off through-out the meeting.

Prue Jackson read out the synopsis of the Minutes of the AGM on 4 March 2019. The full minutes had been posted on the website and these were proposed by Janice Wilson, seconded by Pauline Griffiths and approved by the members with a show of hands.

Presidents Address: David welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially the 38 new members adding that the membership was fast approaching the 2.000 mark, a remarkable achievement. Once again David thanked the Group Leaders and helpers for the work they did to ensure the smooth running of the U3A. The Social Committee have booked El Canor for the Summer Dinner Dance, to be held on 26 June 2019 and he hoped many would give their support by attending this event. David then reported that due to unforeseen circumstances the Travel Group are not represented at today’s meeting.


Treasurer – Graham Whitelocks said the balance as at 4 March 2019 was €14.499,48 and after income of €1.490,00 and expenditure of €754,35 the balance now stood at €15.135,13. The sum of €6.000,00 has been transferred from the Current account to the Deposit account. The full report would be on the Website by the weekend.

Travel Report – As Carol Mantle did not attend the meeting, Anne Cattle advised the members of the trip to Cartagena 16,17 and 18 April. There were now 2 spaces available at a cost of €130 for 2 nights, double/twin room accommodation, with breakfast, dinner and one lunch.

Group Coordinator – Lynn Clark said there were some Groups with vacancies – Chess, Rummikub, Pèntanque 3 and 4, Bridge, Scrabble and Dance to get fit. New Groups – Film Lending Group which offers a library of DVD’s for the members use, lunch Bunch for anyone who enjoys eating out at lunch time with a price range from €15 to €18 within the Moraira area and Walking Netball a Group for males and females alike. Lynn also mentioned that she is asking the Groups to give a brief 2 – 3 minute presentation at future meetings so the members can have more of an idea of what the Groups are about. John Hopwood will be doing the first one today. Lynn finished by thanking Sue Popkin for producing the sliding show of all the groups, which had been showing before the start of the meeting.

Membership/Committee Liaison: Dot Garrett said she had received a request to pay renewals etc on line, this was discussed at the last Committee Meeting, Dot advised that it was decided that this facility would not be available now but may be, at a later date. Another question was asked concerning the donations to Charities. The Constitution had not altered, the U3A were not a profit making organisation and could not use membership money to donate to Charities. However, if a Group held an event with proceeds being donated to Charity, this was acceptable. Dot then asked the members if they had any objections of any photographs, taken during Group events, which were either shown in the press or U3A notifications, to please contact her. As Dot was leaving the post of Newsletter Editor, there was now a vacancy for the position. Would any member wishing to be considered for the position, please contact her, confirming she would give as much help and guidance to the new Editor as possible. Finally Dot said as April 29 was a local fiesta day, the film for that evening would be cancelled as the Town Hall would be closed.

John Hopwood then gave a brief talk about the Art and History Group, explaining that Brian Nicholls and Cheda Panajotovic were the Group Leaders and he is now assisting them. Lectures are the second and fourth Monday each Month, held at La Senieta. The next lecture would be about David Hockney the artist, presented by John.

Cultural Arts Events – Hugh Stewart mentioned several events for the next few months, which included 6 April – Moraira-Teulada Lions present The Liverpool Band in the Auditori Teulada. 3 April – Royal Society of St George, a St Georges Day dinner at Premium Plus in Moraira, and on 2 May – CCB Tchaikovsky Gala with violinist Aisha Syed at Palau, Valencia. Full details and all the events can be seen on the website.

No matters arising from the Reports.

Any Other Business: David announced that a member had lost an earring during the meeting, if anyone found one could they hand to a Committee member. Eileen Haxon then reminded the members of the Quiz being held at Inn-on-the-green, Bowling Club, Javea, in aid of the Charity Altzeimers’. There are six seats left at €15 each.

 Eileen then introduced the speaker David Cassim who would be talking about the Day Centre in Calpe. After an interesting and informative talk, the members gave David a round of applause in appreciation and David Haxon presented him with a voucher as a thank you.

The raffle was drawn and the winning ticket number 404 was held by Graham Whitelocks who won a voucher for JYKS in Moraira.

The meeting ended at 11:10

Proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 1 April 2019
