Minutes – General Monthly Meeting – 6th May 2019

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on

6 May 2019 at Salon G.L., Teulada at 10:30

It is confirmed that the President and the Secretary attended the meeting as voted in at the AGM 4 March 2019.

David Haxon, the President, welcomed all members to the meeting, including 34 new members. He confirmed the usual checks had been made, pointed out the emergency exits and asked for all mobile phones to be switched off through-out the meeting.

Prue Jackson read out the synopsis of the Minutes of the Meeting on 1 April 2019. The full minutes had been posted on the website and these were proposed by Ray Guise-Smith, seconded by Peter Oldfield and approved by the members with a show of hands.

President’s Address: Since the last meeting, David said he hoped nobody had major problems with the water, due to the appalling weather over Easter. He confirmed the recent Quiz had raised €600, adding that the Autumn Fare will be held on 12 September, at The Inn on the Green in Javea, both events in aid of Alzheimer’s. Donations for various stalls are required, such as Cd’s, Books, Bottles of Wine for the Tombola Stall as well as cakes and pastries, nearer the date. The Group Contraband would be playing through-out the day. Further information will be in the next newsletter.


Treasurer – Graham Whitelocks read out the U3A report. The balance as at 26 March was €15.135,13 and after income and expenses stood at €17.320,50 as at 23 April. After Ring-Fenced Funds for Accruals and Forthcoming Commitments there was a balance of €1.560,50. The Travel report hand-over balance as at 8 April was €74.654,42 and after income and expenses stood at €7.000,42 as at 23 April. After Ring-Fenced Funds for Accruals and Forthcoming Commitments there was a balance of €243,35. Both Treasurers reports will be on the website.

Group Coordinator – Lynn Clark said that Ian Brown the Group Leader of the Film Lending Library Group, has advised that the start date will now be September, the Lunch Bunch Group will also start in September and a Group Leader is required. A new Group is hoped to be started – The Gentle Walking Group. This is for those that find the Healthy walking a bit fast or long, so is suitable for those that might be recovering from injuries, or health problems and like to walk at a slow and more leisurely pace. Lynn mentioned the lap-top on the Groups Desk, which showed a rolling screen of nearly 60 Groups and reminded all that some Groups have spaces for new members.

Sheran Williams the Group Leader of Solos amigos Group, gave a talk about the Group, which had been running for 2 years. The Group was formed for people on their own and wanting to meet people and not eat alone. They meet regularly and plan events such as Sunday lunches, historical walks, mini golf, Saxo’s visits and full-moon parties. The members of the Group decide what events they would like to do and have regular events such as coffee mornings or early evening drinks. Sheran thanked Lynn for her help in starting the Group which now has around 65 members. All details are on the website.

Travel Group – Lynn confirmed the Travel Group will continue with some new people on the desk. The Cartagena Trip run by Ann Cattle and Lynn went well and was an enjoyable trip, having received many messages of thanks from those on the Trip. A successful trip to Novelda also took place. On the 19 June , Sue Popkin will be running the trip to Cirque Du Soleil which is now full and the trip to Valencia is possibly taking a second bus. In September the Algemesi trip, which includes a boat trip on the lake, seats are still available. The Morella trip 17 to 21 September now has a reserve list. The Hotel has been upgraded to a 4 star Hotel, but there is no increase in the cost already paid. Lynn said the webpage for the Travel Group will be updated at the end of May and confirmed a Travel Group Leader is still required. The Travel Group are happy to hear any ideas members might have as to the trips they would like to go on.

Membership/Committee Liaison – Dot Garrett said the restructuring of the Travel Group has been discussed and it is hoped that all have found it a smooth transition, with the information provided by emails and on the website. She was happy to confirm the U3A accounts published on the website each month, will now include the Travel Accounts. There has been a problem with the software affecting the Discounts page, run by Jayne Wintle. Although Jayne has listed all the businesses and services who offer U3A members discounts, this will not be in the same format. However it is hoped the problem will be solved shortly. The query concerning Charities has been answered, explaining that the fundraising does not go against our Constitution as a non-profit making concern. The U3A are clear that membership fees are not used for Charity purposes. Finally Dot was pleased to say that following her request for someone to take over the Newsletter Editor Role, a member has come forward who will be introduced in the near future.

Cultural Arts Events – Prue read out the report as Hugh and Beverly Stewart were on holiday, but just about able to send in their list of events, which included, 14 May – Ribs and Roses. A flower festival and barbecue at the Ermita de San Josep. 16 May – Three One act Ballets from the Royal Opera House live broadcasts to venues around the world, including Calpe, Denia and Alfaz del Pi. 18 May – Piano recital by Alexander Ullman at the Auditori Teulada and 30 June – Concerts Costa Blanca presents Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor at the Opera House in Valencia. All these and further events can be found on the U3A website.

No matters arising from the Reports.

Any Other Business: There was no other business.

David introduced Sylvia Tattnell, President of Alzheimer’s, then Eileen Haxon presented Sylvia with a donation to Alzheimer’s Charity, raised from the recent quiz. Sylvia thanked the U3A. A Multi-Centre Room is to be built for the people which could also be used by children and advised that National Alzheimer’s Day is on 21 September 2019. A round of applause from the members after which John Hopwood took some photographs. Eileen then introduced the Speaker, Jacquie Philips from MABS, who is the President of 20 years and Founder of MABS. After an informative talk, a round of applause by the members, followed by a voucher for Jacquie as a thank you.

The raffle was then drawn by Jacquie and the winning ticket number 56, was for a voucher for € 50 to Casa Toni, Moraira.

The meeting ended at 11:25

Proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 6 May 2019

Proposed by ……………………………………………………….Seconded by …………………………………………………..Date……………….

Secretary of the Meeting ……………………………………………….Titch Crossfield-Lobb

