Minutes Monthly Meeting 3rd Dec 2018

Meeting minutes

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on

3rd December 2018 at Salon G.L., Teulada

at 10:30

It is confirmed that the President and the Secretary attended the meeting as voted in at the AGM on 7th March 2018.

David Haxon, the President, welcomed so many members to the December Meeting and said the meeting would start later, giving more time for coffee to be served and seats to be found. At 10:45 David confirmed the usual Security checks had been made, advising the position of the emergency exits and asking for mobiles to be switched off.

Prue Jackson read out the synopsis of the Minutes of the Meeting on 5th November 2018. The full minutes had been posted on the website and these were proposed by Carlton Potter, seconded by Ray Guise-Smith and approved by the members.

Presidents Address:

David began by saying how good it was to see so many members at the meeting, the highest number, at a December meeting for many a year. He thanked the hard working Committee, Group Leaders and many helpers who continued to assist. David remembered the excellent examples of workmanship displayed by the Mosaic Group and the Knit and Natter Group, at the last meeting. So many members had bought gift bags for ‘Make a Smile Charity’, that a little help would be needed at the end of the meeting, to take the bags to the Make a Smile shop, a few doors down from Salon G.L., the meeting room. More funds collected for the Charity, will be given to them the final total will be announced at a later date. Finally David wished everybody a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and importantly, good health to all.


Travel –  Carol mentioned the day trip to Ikea in January, which was now full and the overnight trip to Cartagena which was also full. Carol spoke briefly of the trip to Italy at a cost of €2.050,00, in 2019, in September 2019 17th to 21st, a trip to a beautiful village in the Valencia region at a cost of €260 per person. Finally a new coach trip to see ‘ My Fair Lady’ performed by the Javea players at the inclusive cost of €25 in January 2019. Full details can be found on the website.

Group Coordinator – Lynn said there was not a lot of news to report but she was happy to say as a very popular activity, a further Mosaic Group would be starting. There will be a few changes to the website as some Groups have changed and others are new to the U3A. Lynn wished everybody a Merry Christmas and looked forward to good New Year.

Membership/Committee Liaison – Lynn spoke on behalf of Dot Garrett, who was unable to attend due to a family bereavement. Although there was nothing to report, Lynn asked any member with a query to contact herself as Dot would not be available until the New Year.

Cultural Arts Events – Beverly spoke of several events during the rest of 2018. All items, with full details can be found on the website which included, 9th December – Teulada-Moraira Lions present their annual Christmas show “ What a Cracker VI” at La Senienta, Moraira. Also on 9th at 5pm, the Montgo Chorale are singing at the Fisherman’s Church, Javea. On the 15th December – Chaplaincy Singers present a festive Noel in the Ermita Popul in Javea. Ending 2018 on 30th December – Concerts Costa Blanca presents Swan Lake at the Valencian Opera House. 2019 starts with 6th January – A charity performance of Swan Lake at the Valencia Opera House in aid of Todos Juntos, Javea.

Treasurers Report – Carin advised that on 5th November the total balance held was €11.125,45 but after income of €2.240,00 and expenses of €7.794,83, transfers had to be made from the Contingency and Deposit Account in order to cover the deficit. The sum of € 6.675,16 had been paid for the venue and food, to Canor, a further sum had to be paid for the entertainment. As of 3rd December the amount held was €5.570,62. Carin reminded all the members that the Membership fee would be €10 for new and renewing Memberships and that this decision had been made for financial reasons. Copies of the report can be found on the website.

There were no matters arising from the Reports and with no other business to discuss, Sue McNae gave the answers to the 30 Quiz questions. The winner of the Quiz, with 24 points was Linnet Mitchell.

David introduced the Ukulele Group who played and sung several tunes including some Christmas songs which enticed many members to join in and sing along. A cheering round of applause from the audience as a big thank you to the Group members.

The meeting ended at 11:35

Proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 3rd December 2018.

Proposed by ………………………………………Seconded by ………………………………….Date………………………

Secretary of the Meeting………………………….Titch Crossfield
