We have a (limited) number of email addresses such as user@u3aMoraira-Teulada.org that we can provide for U3A members in the role of Committee Member or Group Leader for example.
It is strongly reccomended that members in this type of role use a user@u3aMoraira-Teulada.org type address. Not only does it enable the user to keep U3A emails distinct from personal emails but also:
- Because the user@u3aMoraira-Teulada.org address is the one that appears publically on the website, It prevents the user’s personal email address being harvested by malicious agents for spam purposes for example
- A user@u3aMoraira-Teulada.org address provides continuity for the U3A when the holder of the role changes for any reason.
There are two options for the user.
- The recommended option is to set up the user@u3aMoraira-Teulada.org address as an additional email address, independent of the users personal email address. It will be necessary for the user to add the U3A address to their main email client so that both email addresses can be used. The webmaster can provide guidance about configuration if the user sends details about which email client program they use, to the webmaster (webmaster@u3aMoraira-Teulada.org) . In this case the user can also manage the U3A email account if required by web access to the U3A mail server.
- Alternatively we can arrange for emails received at the user@u3aMoraira-Teulada.org address to be forwarded to the users private email address. In this case it will not be possible to send emails from the U3A address and the user will have to send from their private address. The only advantage of this option is that it provides a level of protection for the user’s private email address. This option might be suitable for minor groups where the Group Leader is not confident about configuring their email.