Minutes – Monthly General Meeting – 3rd June 2019

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on

3 June 2019 at Salon G.L., Teulada

at 10:30

It is confirmed that the President and the Secretary attended the meeting as voted in at the AGM 4 March 2019.

David Haxon, the President, welcomed all members to the meeting, including 18 new members. He confirmed the usual checks had been made, pointed out the emergency exits and asked for all mobile phones to be switched off through-out the meeting.

Prue Jackson read out the synopsis of the Minutes of the Meeting on 6 May 2019. The full minutes had been posted on the website and these were proposed by Ray Guise-Smith, seconded by Eileen Haxon and approved by the members with a show of hands.

President’s Address:  David referred to the last meeting when he mentioned the proposed new parking system, in Moraira. After visiting the Town Hall, David said although discs can be purchased from shops in Moraira, it is still uncertain how the new system will work. David advised to keep looking at the situation as it develops. Two festivals are up and coming this month The Annual Music week-end and the Moors and Christians, not forgetting the U3A Summer Ball at El Canor, all not to be missed.


Treasurer – Graham Whitelocks said both reports would be on the website which are attached to these minutes. The U3A account stood at €17,320.50 and after income and expenditure stood at €18,549.85, taking into account Accruals the balance stood at €1,259.85. The Travel account stood at €6,493.42 and after income and expenditure stood at €11,603.52, taking into account Accruals the balance stood at €245.60.

Group Coordinator – As Lynn Clark was absent, Prue read out the report. The new Group Gentle Walking, due to start in September, is suitable for people who may be getting back to fitness following injuries or ill health and wishing to go on leisurely walks that are not too strenuous. Other new Groups, Lunch Bunch – should be starting in September, Film lending – to be run by Ian Brown is due to start in September and although the Walking Netball Group are wanting to start, they have yet to find a suitable court. Many Groups have places still available ie Chess, Scrabble and Dramarama. John Snell then gave a brief talk about the Photography Group, saying that anyone interested in photography would enjoy the group. Cameras of various sorts, from mobile phones to the latest digital camera are used and all group members can learn from each other and improve their subject matter. Information on how to join is on the website.

Travel Group – Anne Cattle gave a report of the latest information on trips arranged. Although full booked, the Valencian trip are taking names on a reserve list as they may have enough for a second coach. The Algamesí trip on 8 September visits the 300 year old town which is in four quarters, each quarter having their own traditions with different costumes at fiesta time, as well as how the human tower is formed. The 4 nights 5 day trip to Morella is also fully booked, but a reserve list is running as there could be some last minute cancellations. Proposed trips in October –1) Valencia Bioparc 2) Guadalest &Waterfalls. November – 1) Turron & Chocolate Factories. 2) La Zenia Boulevard in Oriheula Costa, Alicante. December – Barcelona. All details will be notified shortly.

Membership/Committee Liaison – Following a query from a member concerning non-U3A members at Group events, Dot confirmed it was in the Constitution that only members of Moraira-Teulada U3A can attend Group events. Group Leaders will be asked to ensure they only have U3A members in their Group. Unfortunately the Discounts page on the website is not as it should be but work is being done to correct it. Although the History of the U3A is unavailable at the moment, this will be rectified by the Webmasters.

Cultural Arts Events – Hugh said as it was near to the beginning of the summer season, there were not many events taking place. All details can be found on the website which included: 10 to 14 June the International Moraira Music Festival at the Castle in Moraira. 1 to 18 July Javea Players Summer Show – Dinner and Show “I Colitus” with the Royal Opera House closing its season of live broadcasts  11 June Ballet Romeo and Juliet.

No matters arising from the Reports.

Any Other Business: There was no other business.

Eileen introduced the speaker Roger “Twiggy” Day, a former DJ of Radio Caroline, Radio Luxembourg and BBC. After a very interesting and humorous talk, with slides, a round of applause from the members in appreciation. Roger was presented with a thank you gift, by Eileen, on behalf of the U3A.

The raffle was then drawn by Roger and the winning ticket number 130, was held by Jean Mudge who received a voucher for € 50 for the Restaurant El Chamizo

The meeting ended at 11:35

Proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 1 July 2019

Proposed by ……………………………………………………….Seconded by …………………………………………………..Date……………….

Secretary of the Meeting ……………………………………………….Titch Crossfield-Lobb

