Minutes Monthly Meeting 7th Nov 2016

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada
Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on 7th November 2016
at the Salon G.L., Teulada started at 10:30

It is confirmed that the President and Secretary attended this General Meeting as voted in at the AGM on 7th March 2016.

John H welcomed everybody to the Meeting and reminded them of the emergency procedures in the event of evacuation of the building. He also asked all present to switch off their mobile phones.
John H. reported that a simple security check had been made to ensure e.g. fire equipment had recently been serviced and emergency exits doors were unlocked etc.

Although there was an item, on the Agenda for Presentations, he would be making one presentation immediately, due to the recipient having to leave early. This person has been a God send to all of the Committee and Group Leaders as he is always available when help is needed and is always working away quietly behind the scenes. He negotiated with the Town Hall to obtain free use of rooms for our U3A, translating where necessary, sorting out all computer problems yet receives no pay for his work. John H. called on Piotr Azia and presented him with a voucher for his favourite Restaurant in Moraira. The members gave Piotr a round of applause.

David Haxon read out the synopsis of the 3rd October 2016 meeting. The full Minutes had been posted on the website and were proposed by Shirley Tuckey and seconded by Eileen Brown. The minutes were approved by the members with a show of hands.

President´s Address

John H. welcomed the members attending for the first time as well as the others, thanking them for their support. It was remarkable that there are now more than 1,900 members of the U3A Moraira-Teulada, which was started in June 2008 by Pamela Kershaw with help from a few others. The Committee continued to work hard on behalf of all the members. Those who attended the last meeting and enjoyed the speaker from the Hospice, with some members donating items to the Hospice, may be interested to know that three anonymous members donated a total of €1,020. John H. thanked the members, whoever they were on behalf of the Hospice.
John H. had to sadly advise the Members that Brian Clark had passed away. Those who knew him would remember him as always helpful and kind. He would be very much missed and all will be thinking of his wife Lynn and of his family.



Carin Derksen informed the members that a full report would be on the website. A brief over view of the Income and Expenditure was given. John H. added that Carin had been working on the fee to be recommended for 2017 membership.

Groups Coordinator

Prue Jackson advised that a second Group Leader was needed for the Sunday Solos. The Padel tennis Group has been put on hold while suitable premises are found. There is interest in starting a Snooker Group but a Snooker Hall has to be found. Seven people have shown an interest in a Ukulele Group and the Chess Group Leader Ed Morley would welcome new members and is happy to teach people the game. Alternative accommodation has been found for some of the groups that need internet access, courtesy of the Ayuntamiento. We are not offering it to other groups at the moment while the booking system settles down.

Travel Group

Carol Mantle welcomed all to the Meeting and advised that a trip to Ikea in Murcia, was planned for 11th January 2017. There are two overnight trips during 2017, Cartagena in April for four days and Jerez in May for five days. Both trips require a deposit of €60 per person. In May 2018 there is a four day trip to Paris, to include visits to Chateaux , museums and art galleries as well as the Palace of Versailles and Giverny with the spectacular gardens that inspired the French painter Claude Monet. Full details of the trips can be found on the Travel webpage.

Cultural Arts Events

Eileen Hodson read the report as the Coordinators of the Cultural Events, Beverly and Hugh Stewart, were still away. The members were told of the Remembrance Day ceremony in the Church in Moraira with the Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir, starting at 17:00, on the 11th November. On the 16th November a Quiz Night will be held at the Inn on the Green, Javea at a cost of €12 with proceeds going to the Costa Blanca Chaplaincy. All details of these events and others, can be found on the Website.

Members/Committee Liaison

Prue Jackson informed the members that anyone with items for consideration could use the Suggestion box, e-mail her or speak to her at the monthly Meeting. This month three items had been put forward for consideration by the Committee. 1) To have a room just for U3A members use at anytime. This had been discussed, but the committee were not aware of any rooms available or the cost involved. If anyone did know of such a vacancy please let the Committee know. 2) A room with permanent internet installation. There had been problems with the Orange Router but this seems to be resolved. 3) A suggestion to have the Speakers before the meeting each month, so that this might reduce the number of people leaving before the speaker had started. However, as this had been tried before, it was decided to leave things as they are with no break between the meeting and the speaker.

Matters Arising from the Reports

No matters to discuss.


John H. introduced the President of the Lions, an organisation raising money for Charities. David Platt spoke of the U3A Band that had played at two of the Lions events opening their Summer Concerts programme for the last two years and was one of the most popular of all the entertainment at the Castle. The Band had helped to raise thousands of euros, without payment to themselves, so the Lions presented the U3A Band with a certificate of appreciation. This was received by members of the Band, with thanks. Photographs were taken and John H. thanked the Lions for all the work they do.

Any Other Business

There was no other business.

John H. introduced Eileen Haxon who then introduced the speaker, Jeremy Kenton an Osteopath who gave a lively talk on Posture. Volunteers from the meeting assisted in showing the right and wrong way to walk, sit and getting into cars. John H. thanked Jeremy Kenton for his interesting talk and the members showed their appreciation with a round of applause. Several members asked questions and after these were answered, Jeremy Kenton drew the raffle, the winning ticket number 120 was won by Lynn Larner.

The Meeting closed at 11.50.

The next Monthly Meeting to be held on 5th December at 10.30.

Proposed as a true and accurate record of the Meeting held on 7th November 2016

Proposed by ……………………………………………….Seconded by ………………………………Date…………

Secretary of the Meeting………………………Titch Crossfield


Click to access 2016_11_Treasurer-Report-GM.pdf