New Members

We would like to give a very big welcome to the 276 new members who have joined our very popular U3A since the beginning of 2019.

The next opportunity for prospective new members to join will be at the General Meeting in Teulada on Monday, 1st July. The desk will be open from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., but will close promptly when the business part of the meeting starts.

The annual subscription is 10 euros per person and a membership card will be issued at the time of joining. Cash only please. We do not accept online applications or payments.

Please click here to find directions to our meeting place in Teulada and to download a membership application form.

You will find more information on what we have to offer on the homepage of our website. Click on any of the links to find out further information about groups, travel events or social events.

Pat Clarke, Membership Secretary