Frequency: Weekly: Every Friday 14:00 – 16:00
Venue: Group Leader’s house in Moraira
Group leader: Noelene Cummins
The Genealogy Group meets on Fridays between 2pm and 4pm at Noelene’s house beginning on 10th January.
Noelene and Lyndsay can help you find interesting facts about your family using online sites, some free and some needing a subscription. We can guide you how to use the Genealogy sites. We can help build your family tree. You may find some interesting facts about your family.
Have you lost track of a relative or perhaps you would like to trace a father or sister you never knew? We have had several successes finding what happened to members’ relatives. (Read previous newsletters)
Perhaps you would like to prove or disprove those family stories. Are you really related to Sir John Franklin or Thomas Telford? Are you descended from Oliver Cromwell, probably not!
You do not need to attend every session so long as you let us know if you are coming to the Group before 11am on Fridays. We do have fun digging into our pasts!.
You will need a tablet or laptop and notebook and file for documents.
If you are interested, please contact Noelene Cummins: genealogy@u3amoraira-teulada.org
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Family History News
A genealogy result ! – Finding Steven updated